One of the most important aspects of any relationship is trust. If you can’t trust your partner, who can you trust? A good relationship needs two people in it who are honest, trustworthy, and faithful. A partner who is furtively sneaking around and hiding things from you is not an acceptable person to be with. Following are five tips that can be used in working out any problems:

We have 5 important tips that you can put into practise in working out your current problems with trust. You and your partner will have to go about this honestly and with full understanding how important this can be.

When working on the matter of trusting your partner, consider your own self-esteem. Has it been battered by the bumps you have hit in the relationship? If so, it needs to be repaired. Perhaps many of the things you deem as a lack of trust are really just your own insecurities taking over and causing you to question your partner. If this proves to be true, then you can get help in resolving your own issues.

Take a peek into the past and try to remember any times that you were put down by a parent, teacher, or friend. It may have hurt at the time, but it could still be festering in your mind and emotions. These emotions are not good for any relationship and you should make every effort to banish them.

Third, you should talk to your other half about anything you might have done since being in the relationship that you are ashamed of or sorry for. This might be painful, but the relationship can’t go on in a healthy manner if you don’t disclose some of these things. Long pent up emotions will ultimately make you sick either physically or emotionally, and neither of those things is good for any relationship.

Also show your willingness to address these issues by committing yourself once more full force into the relationship. This will give your partner the sense that you are really sorry, and that you want to do anything to make up for your behaviour. Perhaps renewing your marriage vows is a good place to start.

The fifth tip is the ‘golden’ one and it asks you to focus your attention on your partner. Listen to him/her and dont start doing something else in the middle of the conversation. Turn off the TV and put down your book.

If you are serious about repairing your relationship, try to put all the tips we have shown you into practise. You will soon see a difference.

If you are suffering from relationship trust issues you can get help. Simply visit Relationship Reviver for more free advice.