With all the hype about the benefits of dry or canned dog food, it may be difficult making the decision to go raw, but when you have raw dog food recipes to go by, there is simply nothing to it. What you really should remember is that dogs just naturally eat raw in favor of cooked food. However, you don’t have to feed your dog the same kind of raw diet day after day. Just like people, dogs are more interested in the food they eat and their dietary needs are met when they have variety in their meals.
You can find quite a lot of raw dog food recipes online these days since so many people are eager to share the benefits they notice from switching to a raw diet for their pets. One way that you can provide the variety your dog needs is to set up a menu for them the same way you would make one for your family. That way you never get stuck wondering what you are going to feed next. Organization is the key to doing anything right and that is true even with feeding your little friend.
One of the benefits to creating a menu for your pooch is that you can also plan what to purchase for the week and also buy more when sales occur. When you use the dog food recipes as a guide for shopping, you will buy everything needed to make the dog’s meals for the week.
Another benefit of making a menu for a week or two at a time is being able to seen quickly if your canine companion is consuming all the nutrients it needs. As an example of this, you might notice you are going to heavy on the meat and not including enough vegetables. With a menu made up you can clearly see where the adjustments need to be made.
One thing you must remember is that you have to take your dog’s age into consideration when you are preparing their raw food menu. Some recipes come with instructions for making purees for young pups that are just being weaned, or for older dogs that just cannot chew the way they once could. You will also want to understand the portions that are right for your doggie. You would not want to be feeding too much of your dog food recipes or too little for that matter.
When you are selecting dog food recipes, be sure to avoid those that mentions cooking anything in particular remember that you should never feed cooked bones to dogs. Cooked bones are just too brittle to feed to dogs, but their uncooked counterparts will digest just fine in the stomachs of most dogs. At the same time, cooking anything alters the enzymes present and can cause the loss of important minerals and vitamins.
When you do come up with some good dog food recipes remember that you can alter them to suit your dogs needs and what you have on hand, as well as to create even greater variety. You can be sure that your dog will love you even more when you feed him or her raw dog food made from raw dog food recipes.
To learn more about Raw dog food recipes visit our blog