Every relationship is diverse. Some are more tranquil than others. Some are close to perfect and some are less than perfect. Some fight a lot while some get along well without too many arguments. People with better relationships have a common denominator and it is that they are Understanding, Appreciative, respectful, Caring and kind, Helpful, Trustworthy, Positive, and certainly Fun to be around.
If you can notice, most of these attributes are not new at all. In fact, we have been taught to do these values every since our mother taught us how to spell our name. The value understanding is particular with being sensitive to your partner’s feelings and understanding his concerns and issues well. I also involve understanding what makes him happy as a person as a partner.
Being appreciative and being respectful is the most clich value taught but is also the most widely not used. Sometimes, we think that we have already appreciated the person very well when actually we have taken them for granted and we do not respect them especially their thoughts.
Caring, kindness and helpfulness are values that we should have to be able to awaken the romantic juices. Every man wants his woman to be caring. He wants here to make him feel love. And this is also true for women. Women want to be cared for the way they care about their family and husband.
Lastly, being Trustworthy, positive and fun to be with is the missing piece of the puzzle for most unproductive relationship. Never try to break each other’s trust because trust is a very scared thing. Once it is broken, you can never bring it back to pieces. While being trustworthy, be fun to be with so that you and your partner will not get bored. Almost all break ups are because partners feel bored towards each other. This is because boredom can kill passion and instead highlight each other’s mistakes.
Are you having relationships problems? Learn how to get back togetherby checking out the Get Your Ex Back Roadmap!