Accountability always ranks high in most self-help and personal improvement principles. And rightly so, one may not be able to influence what others may do or think, however one can account for their actions. Accountability for your actions sets you apart in a world where many would rather point fingers and cast the blame at others when things go wrong in life. Starting with the person in the mirror is the best place to begin.
A fundamental basis of any personal improvement or self-help plan must highlight the power of the individual to fulfill his own destiny on Earth. Accountability places the onus on the shoulders of the person to determine his or her own outcome in our infinite universe. One must be motivated to take action to master their own destiny. A happy and fulfilled life awaits those willing to take control and plot their own course.
Is your life headed in the right direction? Are you on track to get to your desired destination? Make yourself accountable to get to the life your dreams are made of. Unfortunately we have absolutely no control for any curve balls the universe may throw our way, but we can determine our own actions. Take it into your own hands to be accountable for your destiny on this planet.
To get your place into this world, you already beat incredible odds. Can you muster the courage to try and beat the odds again? Can you dare to master your own destiny. You have the power inside you. Take action to live the life your dreams are made of. If not you will be kicking yourself for years to come, haunted by your lack of self-belief.
Human beings possess infinite potential. Shouldn’t people do more to make full use of their universal powers? People must learn to live in the now, but with an eye on the future, it makes no sense to spend too much energy contemplating what-ifs afraid to take action. How far you go in the world depends on you and what you are prepared to put in. Hold yourself accountable to sustain your motivation till completion of your life’s goals.
When things get tough, are you going to quit or stick with it? Are you going to make excuses that will make you feel better, like you tried your best and gave it your all. Making yourself accountable means failure is not an option. You make a contract with yourself to do whatever it takes for however long. Everybody hates to let others down, but what about yourself. Why let yourself down. Surely you deserve to unlock the doors to a fulfilling and happy life.
Highly successful people are accountable to themselves. When things go wrong on their road to success, they quickly look for answers that can address the situation. They don’t waste needless energy pointing fingers of blame. They direct their energy and focus to overcoming obstacles in their way. Learn to commit to achieving your life’s goals, the rewards of a fulfilling life are definitely worth it.
The universe has blessed you with infinite powers. Don’t waste it, human beings have been achieving incredible feats since the beginning of time. You can too. The universe has granted you all the powers you need for the life you truly desire. Focus on what you have to put the pieces of your life’s puzzle together for yourself. Be accountable to yourself and keep striving for success.
Learn more about Motivation to take action, Henry Okwo is serial entrepreneur and will help you get started on your Personal Development to help you reach your life’s goals.