There is an old saying that perfectly defines success. “It is not a sin to be born poor but to die so is indeed a big sin”. In a world full of disputes and dilemma, there also exists a lot of opportunities and scope for business improvement and fortune set up provided you are knowledgeable of the success formula. However, more often than not it has been found that people are not able to obtain our desired heights of success because we take all the necessary steps that could be described as traits that can have a very negative effect on success. Let us over the next few paragraphs go over the 5 most dominant things that could be catastrophic to your success unless you are able to nip it in the bud. The following are 5 major aspects that could be a huge impediment as far as your journey to success is concerned.

The first valuable characteristic that could damage or totally sabotage your success is fear of the unknown and fear of change. If we are serious and would like to scale newer heights in your life we should always be thrilled to accept change and get away from the status quo. Staying within our safe place is something that is very much liked by many of us. Having said that, such a bent of spirit will be good enough for people aiming at mediocrity in life and profession. Change is always for the better and fear of the unknown is an element that is there only in our mind and there are ways and means to defeat this.

Our next important point that could play a huge spoilsport as far as your success is concerned is waiting and postponing things. What can be done the next day needs to be tried and accomplished today itself if possible. Letting things drift and getting in the habit of piling up papers in your table could play havoc with your success standards and could pull you down in your profession and job. It could also impact your relationship at home and could destroy relationships over a stretch of time.

Your next important quality which could also play the role of a dampener is definitely the common practice of complaining and always speaking negative about things, surroundings and life in general. This indeed is a really unhealthy habit which will not only make you become very inward looking, snobbish and unhappy, but may also result in people leaving you. You would over some time become lonely, discouraged and miserable. Which means you should learn to develop the habit if being thrilled and thinking positive even if you find yourself in some trouble or under pressure and duress.

The fourth negative characteristic or quality is in the habit of passing blame on other people and on conditions. If you are working in a team, you ought to know your responsibilities well and if you have slipped up or made an error somewhere you must have the courage to own up and admit the same.

Lastly, not being responsible to yourself and to the promises which you have made to your household members, your boss, your customers or vendors is something that is certain to have a very damaging effect in terms of success of your career is concerned.

Bilal Rahim is a Personal Development Coach and proud contributing author for GentryLiving. He regularly posts articles on different subjects including self empowerment and self improvement – that is designed to help individuals live their dreams.