If you are having difficulty with child rearing, you are not alone since this is something ALL parents have in common, particularly first time parents. So there is no need to worry because you can easily find help. The first thing you need to understand though is that your child’s total transformation will depend not on him or her, but on you. More often than not, a child’s misbehavior is a reaction to how they are treated, not getting enough attention, or not feeling they are appreciated.
This is a common problem of families where both parents have full time jobs. The financial difficulty has forced many parents to work full time jobs to support their children but the long hours away from home and their busy schedules make it challenging to be parents. Although it is understandable for you and your spouse to work, you have to take some time during the weekdays to spend with your kids, even only during weekends.
Starting family traditions is another way to promote a sense of belongings among family members and this helps children develop a sense of pride and responsibility as part of the family. These family traditions need not be elaborate, even simple things like gathering everybody to watch a late movie every Friday or Saturday night, or go camping every last weekend of the month, just be sure you will do something with your kids.
Effective parenting skills will teach you to TALK to your children, asking them how their day went, talk to them a little about yours, and ask them for their opinion, among other things. This helps your children feel that they are valued members of your family and you appreciate their opinions and are concerned about them. You wouldn’t want them to start keeping secrets from you.
You should also show your children that you trust them and have full confidence in their abilities. You should allow your children to live their lives, allowing them space to manage their own decisions. You can find a lot of articles from parenting websites such as PositiveParentingSkills.com that tell you about the importance of allowing your child make his or her own way and work out decisions by themselves.
Just let them know that you trust them, have full confidence in their responsibilities, and that you will be there for them if they need you. You should take your time studying these tips and advice so you can be sure you will raise responsible, happy, productive members of society.
If you wish to know more about the positive parenting then go to positiveparentingskills.com for more details.