The fact that more people are looking for couples therapy tells us a lot of things about trends in modern society. On the negative side it shows us that divorce and separation continue to plague our culture but it also shows that people are at least trying to fight for their relationships and stem the tide of breakups.

If you are someone that has typed this search term because you recognize your relationship is in trouble, you can rest assured that you have taken a step in the right direction. You understand that marriages need to be preserved. If there are children involved it is almost imperative that their family units are protected as far as is reasonably possible.

The 21st century family and partnership has changed. In the past a family consisted of a man and a woman and their children all living together in a single family home. This setup was institutionalized by the legal binding of marriage which affected assets, responsibilities and rights.

It is not the same today. The family makeup is different now. The nuclear family persists but it has transformed in many cases beyond recognition. Today it is not unusual to have two parents of the same sex who are legally bound in civil partnerships. Step parents and step siblings living together in a home is now a norm.

Even though the typical American family looks different today than it did fifty years ago the essence is still the same. It is a binding unit in which to raise children and share resources. It is also a safe context in which to engage in sexual relations with each other. Therefore the unit is as important today as it always has been.

Unfortunately, relationships are placed under enormous pressure by the demands and temptations of modern living. It is a battle to stay together even though we know that is the right thing to do in most cases. couples therapy new york can help to work through conflicts and stabilize relationships which can only be a good thing really.

Stop by our site to find out more couples therapy new york