A great method for me personally of going about changing behavior has always been to write down inside a diary what I ‘m doing. This has been successful for me with both exercising and calorie restriction routines. The act of documenting what I ingested each day or the quantity of weights I raised at the gym has me answerable to myself.
Keeping a journal seems to provide a sense of separation between me and my actions. Personally I think that I can more fairly see what I have been doing compared to actions I think I have been carrying out. I become a completely independent observer of my own, personal actions, and the knowledge is very similar to watching a video tape involving myself. I can speedily see if I am actually eating healthier foods or lifting more substantial weights. It is all saved in the diary, just as it might be on a record. Journals and tapes don’t lie.
An often unexpressed good thing about journaling is it allows you to quickly look back after a while and check how well you’re progressing. Flipping just a number of pages back, within under 5 minutes, I can tell how much I have gotten better. This has been a big part in shifting and reshaping my own habits. If the urge to eat unhealthy food hits, I quickly and easily thumb through the entries of my journal and I immediately become inspired to get back on track. The fact that is down on paper or recorded so that it is visible quickly provides significance. Seeing your individual achievements instantaneously is a subtle, but quite effective form of positive support.
Used over a period of nearly a year, a log likewise ends up being a easy way record the history of one’s progress. Jotting down a prolonged history of improvement is a good way to keep challenges healthy perspective. As an example, if you are eating healthy and then go away on a break and eat anything you like for a full week, a a lot of people feel they “ruined” months of work. Yet, that is only a small snapshot on the bigger picture. They are really better eaters eventually and are healthier vs. what they were before.
Journaling is a great way of breaking the old, adverse actions. Whenever you become tempted to go back to previous ways of eating or idleness, the record is really a new cue for the new and improved new conduct, cutting off the old conduct before it has time for you to grow again. Jotting down in the journal or perhaps reading past notes are wonderfulnew routines to do if ever the urge to deviate tempts you. Instead of eating sugary food, you’re posting in or you skim your own journal. As such, you substitute one behaviour with a new habit.
Journaling is an effective tool in my opinion in changing our behavior and I hope you’ll find it helpful, also.
Find in-depth blog posts on getting the motivation to change and learning to distinguish perception vs reality at www.shiftshappen-site.com