Symptoms of Reading Problems
For a diagnosis based on your symptoms of dyslexia, the starting point is normally the teacher of the child. It is time and again the teacher who is the first to point out the problems, even though they don’t typically tell you that your child has dyslexia, A definition of Dyslexia is “difficulty with words or language”, and whilst difficulties don’t always mean dyslexia per se, the problems may lead you to start thinking about about testing.
Ways To Effectively Stop The Bullying Of Your Child
Professionals are finally becoming aware of the affects of bullying on children. Recently, there have been incidents of children killing themselves because they are being bullied. The computer is now in the forefront, with a whole new ground for bullies to prowl around. Thankfully, as parents we can make a difference when it comes to our children being bullied; as we will show you later on.
Simple Ways to Increase Your Effectiveness as a Parent
Yes, parenting can be quite difficult when we are young, first time parents and do not quite know what we are doing. While it can be filled with stress and anxiety, it is only much later that we reflect and can manage to laugh at those hard times. In some instances, however, children can’t forgive their parents for certain actions or behavior and when they become adults it’s difficult to repair the damage.