The Stigma That Comes From Being an Introvert
By Carla Back, MFT
As an introvert , I spend a great deal of time in my head, analyzing, dissecting and turning things over. I don’t need a lot of external stimulation, there is plenty going on right where I am. I am fine there. Some men and women don’t like to stay in that place, so they look to escape into the outer world. Some folks just desire to be around other men and women. I don’t think there’s any correct or incorrect way to be, except to be who you genuinely are.
“Eastern cultures see introversion as a value and give it much esteem. Western cultures prefer extraversion. For a balanced, protected, and caring planet, we need to learn to value both.” John Weber
Personally, I think that introverts have been marginalized way too much in our culture. There’s something to be said about liking a peaceful life without a plethora of friends. Does it mean one is special because they have over 500 buddies on Facebook? Does that person hold the golden key to the magic kingdom? Or, might some of them really be insecure and making an attempt to prove that they are more well-known than they are?
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I’m not attempting to degrade individuals who are extroverts. I’m just looking at the stigma that goes along with being introverted . Because someone would truly prefer to stay home and read a book, as opposed to going to a party, does that mean they are depressed? Not necessarily. Many therapists decide whether or not someone is depressed if they have a lot of friends and if they don’t go out much. Therapists such as these see people through only one lens, and don’t realize that being alone a lot does not necessarily mean that one is sad. They need to realize that for an introvert, solitude and self-reflection makes them happy. It is where they are the most comfortable.
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I have many relatives who are rather social. Some have worried about me because my calendar is in no way full. What they don’t fully grasp is that I prefer it that way. I would rather have a handful of friends whom I know intimately than have many acquaintances. I think popularity, which is extremely valued in our society, is extremely over-rated. I don’t have the time, vitality or inclination to be a best friend to fifty, twenty or even ten individuals.
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If you’re not sure whether or not you’re an introvert or an extravert, ask yourself if you need to re-charge your batteries by being alone. If this is the case, you’re an introvert. If you’re an extrovert, you recharge by being with others. If it’s somewhere in between, you’re a healthy mix of both.