The employment and jobs marketplace is even more competitive this day in age and with a rise in the number of applicants for full and part time work, finding the right job vacancy has never been more crucial.

Positions posted on job boards are closed earlier than ever before due to the high volume of job applications for each position and many job seekers will end up missing promising job vacancies that they would not only be well suited to, but they could also be successful with.

Encouragingly despite the economic downturn and global recession, there are still a large number of job vacancies across a number of sectors, with retail, manufacturing and engineering producing a number of part-time and full time paid positions along with apprenticeships.

Job searches online will usually display filters in the form of drop down menus and check boxes that can aid searching by including or excluding certain types of employment depending on whether permanent or temporary vacancies are desired, so it is important to check what filters are selected before searching.

There are however a number of tips for job seekers searching for vacancies online.

Industry Specific Searching

It is important to be familiar with any niche, sector or industry specific jobs boards and online recruitment agencies. Many employers will look to hone in on a targeted and skilled pool of applicants by registering their specialised and highly skilled vacancies with agencies that focus on a particular sector and line of work or industry. Whilst the quality of job seekers may be much higher, the return of ideal employment opportunities substantially increases.

Jobs By E-mail Alerts

Majority of the well known job boards have the “jobs by email” or “email alerts” functions. Sign up and get new jobs to your inbox!

Setting up job alerts helps job seekers stay on top of any new vacancies that have arrived onto the jobs board and ideally any alerts should be received on a daily basis.

The big job boards and recruitment agencies carry a wide range of jobs and job titles, creating email alerts can save any job seeker a huge amount of l time and is a far more efficient way of finding that perfect job opportunity.

It is also important to have a knowledge and understanding of job titles as many ideal job opportunities can be bypassed from bad searches assigned to these email alerts. Employment organisations, recruiters and government agencies can help job seekers find and match the best job titles used in these searches.

Travelling Distance

When using the postcode / location search a suggestion would be to always widen your search by approximately 5 to 10 miles more than what you usually are willing to travel (this ensures yet again, no missed opportunity!)

Looking to find the best job board? CvWow,can help you today! so get over there.