There is one stand-out thing that any female can do to gain the attention of a male. It has little to do with the shape of your body, or the length of your legs. Even your face and the sound of your voice do not come into the reconing that much. Attire help but they only get you the first glance, the won’t get a male to chat to you.
Many ladies work too much at making the attempt to make themselves interesting by the way in which they dress and the makeup they use. Such strategies do naturally get men to look your way. When you study with an NLP practitioner you learn that the real action begins with conversation. It is getting a male to chat with you that is the necessary primary step that leads to relationships.
In NLP training we teach the correct way to communicate. We teach the value of words and the value of good listening. These are the tools that will develop a relationship, but they are not the necessary ice-breaker that’ll make a man begin to chat with you.
All women possess one skill that men find irresistibly engaging. It breaks down the barriers of nerviness and makes men feel wanted. It’s the most straightforward and most natural action that any woman can utilize to attract a man. It is her smile.
Just by smiling any woman can get any man she wants to come across a room and speak with her. You don’t need to study NLP techniques to know that the smile removes all resistance. The smile makes it clear that, “you are welcome.” It says, “I Iike you.” It suggests, “I think I am going to enjoy your company.”
When a girl smiles at a person he immediately feels that she likes him and that there will be no rejection if he takes the first step and talks with her. A smile is a massive come-on to any man.
If you’d like to attract the man of your dreams warm up your smile and send it to any boy you take a fancy to.
Imagine a precision instrument that records the actions, words and feelings of the best performers. Then download that data to a powerful decoder that analyses and codes the behaviour. Transfer the code to your personal control panel so that you can reproduce excellence at will. This is how NLP Techniques work. NLP Practitioner David Ferrers will show you how to build your own control panel during Business Coaching, or at one of his NLP Training workshops or during NLP Practitioner Training in India.