It’s quite normal to want your relationship with your beloved to remain stable and well. Sometimes the relationship becomes the center of your whole world that everything else comes in second place, and unfortunately that usually includes yourself.

Being constantly in each other’s company can be unhealthy. You need to spend some “me” time so that you have more to give your partner. It doesn’t matter if they’re new lovers or experienced partners, this important truism is frequently overlooked by people in a relationship.

Some people spend so much time with their partner that they feel lost and alone when they’re left alone for any period of time. Here are some ways you can nurture yourself so that you’re able to give the best to your lover when it is time to be a couple:

Sit back and relax at home with a good novel, lose yourself in a mystery, suspense or romance. Quiet time at home enjoying a good book without any interruptions can energize you when you meet up with your partner again.

Watch a movie that you’ve wanted to see, but your partner wasn’t interested in seeing (like a good chick flick). Don’t deny yourself something you want to do just because your partner doesn’t want to do it.

Spend some time with your family. Time well-spent with your family will further strengthen your relationship. In our need to spend time with our loved one, we tend to de-prioritize spending time with our family.

Go out with your friends. Going out and having fun with your friends can be quite refreshing, you won’t have to watch everything you do and say as you would when your partner is around. If for some reason your partner begins to show too much jealousy, then you might want to re-evaluate your relationship.

Play sports or do your favorite hobby. If golf is a sport that only you like, then you should go ahead and enjoy it without needing to tug your partner along. Join another group, or you can just play the game yourself, it really shouldn’t matter. If making clothes interests you, then go do it. You don’t need to have your partner with you in everything that you do.

Sit back on a relaxing hot tub. Spend some time primping and pampering yourself with a bubble bath. Relieve yourself of all that stress so that you’ll be loose and limber when you hook up with your lover.

Spend a few hours in the mall. Go to the mall and see if you can buy yourself something new. You could also try keeping an eye out for something that might interest your loved one. This would be the perfect time to gorge yourself on that dessert you have been salivating on, you can pig out as much as you like without worrying about your image. Go out and go to your favorite haunts, like a book shop or antique store.

A healthy relationship requires “me” as much as “we” time. Be sure to plan a healthy dose of both in your relationship. And don’t forget to extend the same courtesy to your partner, let him go and spend some time with himself without your presence.

If you are looking for some relationship advice, try talking with Love Advisor Ann Alba, she can help you find harmony and balance in your love relationships.